
目前顯示的是 7月, 2009的文章

一次搞懂OTA ?

這幾天看了一些,寫了些小筆記 什麼是OTA ? OTA 其實就是 FOTA @@ 以及與OTA相關的 OMA介紹 看到一個比較詳盡的整理 wiki : Over-the-air programming Over-the-air programming (OTA) may refer to either free-to-air, terrestrial television, or in the mobile content world, over-the-air service provisioning ( OTASP ), over-the-air provisioning ( OTAP ) or over-the-air parameter administration (OTAPA), methods of distributing new software updates to cellphones or provisioning handsets with the necessary settings with which to access services such as WAP or MMS. Some phones with this capability are labeled as being "OTA capable."

Motorola Morrison 也快要推出了!

話說看到這篇 Motorola Morrison passes FCC with T-Mobile USA 3G support 搭配 Samsung Galaxy Passes FCC! 還真的越來越多Android手機 ! 相關文章: Motorola 也要推出 Android手機! 2009 年一堆 Android手機!

什麼是 FCC ?

What is FCC ? 網路上查詢 FCC的定義結果: 聯邦通信委員會(Federal Communications Commission,FCC)是一個獨立的美國聯邦政府機構,由美國國會法令所授權 ... zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/FCC 相關新聞: Samsung Galaxy Passes FCC! 其他有關Samsung Galaxy Samsung Galaxy Lite Introduced By Wi-Fi Alliance Samsung Galaxy: The i7500 In France | Android Phone Fans

什麼是 OMA ?

What is OMA ? 網路上查詢 OMA在 英文的定義結果: Ōma|大間町|Ōma-machi is a town located in Shimokita District, Aomori, Japan. It is the site of the northern-most point on Honshū, the ... OMA was the callsign of a Czech time signal station. The station was operated by the Astronomical Institute of Prague and the transmitters were ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OMA_(time_signal) The Office of Multicultural Affairs gslounge.com/faq/terms Operations and Maintenance, Army www.army-energy.hqda.pentagon.mil/glossary.asp 最後這才是我要的 ! Open Mobile Alliance cs.pennnet.com/glossaryCS/letter_o.cfm wiki : Open Mobile Alliance The Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) is a standards body which develops open standards for the mobile phone industry. OMA 官方網站 http://www.openmobilealliance.org/ 總是是個熱心幫大家定規格的組織 @@ "The mission of the Open Mobile Alliance is to facilitate global user adoption of mobile data services by specifying market driven mobile service enablers that ensure service interoperability across devices, geographies, se...

什麼是 DM ?

what is DM ? wiki: Device Manager The Device Manager is a Control Panel applet in Microsoft Windows operating systems. It allows users to view and control the hardware attached to the computer. When a piece of hardware is not working, the offending hardware is highlighted for the user to deal with. The list of hardware can be sorted by various criteria. 所以是負責整個device的狀態 ! -- 應該只有我會搞混的 DRM

OTA 其實就是 FOTA @@

FOTA is an acronym for Firmware Over-the-Air wiki : FOTA 完全鬼打牆的文章: 什麼是OTA ? -- The ability to update the firmware / software of a phone over the phone network. Such updates usually fix bugs or glitches, although they can also add new functionality in some cases. Both the phone and the carrier must specifically support FOTA, and support the same type of FOTA. In some cases, the updates may be pushed to the phone automatically, while in other cases the user may be given a choice of whether to receive the update. FOTA removes the need to take a phone into a store location or send it to a service center for updates. This adds convenience for the consumer and reduces cost for the carrier. FOTA is sometimes referred to as just OTA. -- 感覺有名的相關廠商 synchronica Red Bend


微軟雅虎終於牽手啦 要肩並肩一起對抗新的邪惡帝國 Google ! 先來看一下過去吧 : 挑戰Google:微軟主內雅虎主外 網路事業龍虎鬥 對抗Google 微軟不能沒有雅虎 相關文章應該是: 宣戰Google? 微軟宣佈要推免費Office軟體 打敗雅虎、Google 微軟拿下Discovery廣告權 根本不相關文章: 無名之後是 ... Yahoo! 360° -- 而對於這個交易的一些討論 微軟、Yahoo搜尋合作跟你有何關係? 分析:微软雅虎交易七大监管疑问 谷歌大罵微軟壟斷欲助雅虎 楊致遠郵件曝光


關於Windows遠端桌面連到Ubuntu上 提供一些參考文章 節省搜尋成本 想要從Windows遠端桌面連到Ubuntu上,辦得到嗎? how can Windows連上Ubuntu VNC.... 其他不相關文章 VirtualBox Share folder setting 共享資料夾設定

Androud Donut update information

Cupcake -> Android 1.5 原本以為Donut 會是 Android 2.0 但是Google 說 Donut != Android 2.0 看來Donut 只是 Cupcake 的補充包 ! 在你吃了Cupcake還有點餓的時候,就來吃個Donut ! Android 2.0 會是奶昔還是聖代呢 ... (胖胖國思維模式啟動 !) 看起來不相關文章: Donut code drop reveals new Android features • Gesture controls • CDMA support • Search system wide • WPA2 enterprise • VPN support • Updated camera • Updated UI and animations • Compatibility Mode • Credential storage • Accessibility option • Speech synthesizer controls • New power control and text widgets • Google have also said that the new release (Codename Donut) will not be Android 2.0 which indicates it is only a minor release.

什麼是 OTA ?

What is OTA ? 網路上 ota 的定義 禦宅原指熱衷及博精於動畫、漫畫及電腦遊戲(ACG)的人,而現在一般泛指熱衷於次文化,並對該文化有極 ... 詳見 zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/OTA - 的定義 但是現在要知道的是 : OTA definition (Phone Arena) Over The Air - Standard used for transfer of information between device and wireless network. Usually it is used to upload new software to mobile phones, or download/upload content (such as ringtones, pictures). -- OTA (Over-The-Air) Any kind of event, transfer, or transaction that takes place wirelessly using the cellular network, as opposed to using a cable or other local connection. Usually used in reference to downloading or uploading content or software. Examples include updating phone settings or software, downloading a new ringtone, or uploading a photo. The term OTA is sometimes used to describe the ability to update phone firmware over the network, which is technically known as FOTA: -- 網路上有關Android OTA的討論 How firmware update and Application update work through OTA work? how to implement OTA service ? 重要參考文章之...

yaffs2 與 system.img

淺析yaffs2文件系統被mount的梗概流程 android:製作system.img(yaffs2)鏡像 順便補一個跟標題無關的 @@ Fedora Core 5編譯Android

看一下Magic 裡面的system/framework

Magic 在system/framework/ 有以下jar檔 com.htc.framework.jar android.awt.jar ime.jar pm.jar com.htc.android.easopen.jar framework-tests.jar monkey.jar framework.jar com.android.im.plugin.jar com.google.android.gtalkservice.jar input.jar framework-res.apk android.policy.jar svc.jar com.htc.resources.apk com.google.android.maps.jar services.jar android.test.runner.jar ext.jar core.jar am.jar com.htc.android.pimlib.jar

google maps on the cupcake ?!

Q : 可以下载到com.google.android.maps.jar? A: 下个android 的SDK 1。0,启动模拟器后,adb 到/system/framework就可以看到了,adb pull到本地 How to install the google maps on the cupcake(Dev phone) ??

Cupcake新版本 Android 1.5 SDK, Release 3

Google release Android sdk 1.5_r3 Relase Note : http://developer.android.com/sdk/RELEASENOTES.html#1.5_r3 Android 1.5 SDK, Release 3 Provides an updated Android 1.5 system image that includes permissions fixes, as described below, and a new application — an IME for Japanese text input. Also provides the same set of developer tools included in the previous SDK, but with bug fixes and several new features.




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