
目前顯示的是 7月, 2011的文章

Go to Garena play Starcraft(Broodwar) with friend ! Latest patch 1.16.1

about play Starcraft(Broodwar)  以下為 Garena  連SC1 SOP 1. 下載  Download Garena Client http://www.garena.tw/~client/ 2. 註冊 Register account  http://www.garena.tw/register/ 3.登入 Login 左手邊有一個遊戲  點一下 然後會出現選單  再點星海爭霸 野火燎原 然後會看到list有三個房間 ex..進ROOM02 choose one ROOM 4. 連結遊戲執行檔 Linked Game 接著要設定執行檔 在輸入對話的右邊有一個開始遊戲 (Start Game) 上面有一個設定的小button ! 5.  GO GO GO 然後接著就按開始遊戲吧  一樣UDP就可以連了 Multiple Player -> UDP, you could see the Game in the same Room -- 需要是同樣版本,目前最新版為 1.16.1 可在此下載 http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/broodwar/patches/PC/BW-1161.exe 如果有安裝問題 可以參考這一篇 http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081112202956AAYzsaH -- 其他遊戲介紹: Facebook熱門遊戲 Castle Age 城堡時代 介紹 Square Enix Facebook遊戲 Knights Of The Crystal !!

Acer try to improve software technology, start from gain cloud computing

Acer to acquire cloud-service provider iGware looks like Acer try to improve software technology, start from gain cloud computing but   Acer shares inch up 0.48 percent The share price of Acer Inc (宏碁) rose by an anemic 0.48 percent as the PC maker’s newly unveiled plan to acquire privately held cloud-computing company iGware Inc for US$320 million was given a thumbs down by investors, who worried that the expensive deal would not immediately help the company. another saying  Acer shares gain on iGware buyout deal "The current gains indicate investors are upbeat about Acer's long term prospects by allocating more resources in cloud computing technology," Concord Securities analyst Henry Sun said.  "Mobile communications has become a trend in the global high-tech sector and Acer seized the acquisition to enter the arena," Sun said. "I think Acer is moving in the right direction."  --

關於BT profile !

http://www.palowireless.com/infotooth/tutorial/profiles.asp 相關文章 What is vnote any one knows??

什麼是 MIME ?

MIME 相關 資訊 多用途互联网邮件扩展( MIME ,Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) it    is an  Internet standard  that extends the format of  email  to support: URI Schame http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme MIME Type http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIME_type Android MIME 参考手册  詳細說明可以看 Wiki MIME   英文




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