Acer報導時間 自2004 到 2010 外電評價
看一看Acer報導時間 自2004~ 2010 Laptop Magazine 美國筆電雜誌 “With Lanci at the helm, Acer is poised to continue its global growth, not only with redesigned notebooks that place an emphasis on value, but with a new batch of smart phones and tablets.”-- July 2010 中譯:「有了蘭奇的領導,宏碁已做好全球持續成長的準備,不只重新設計筆電提高了其價值,更發展了新的智慧型手機與平板電腦。」 BusinessWeek美國商業周刊 "How Acer Is Burning Its PC Rivals" -- April 2009 中譯:「宏碁如何擊敗個人電腦競爭對手」 The New York Times紐約時報 "As fast as the computer industry moves, Acer seems to move faster ... Spearheading the netbook movement ... Acer is surging ahead in market share..." -- April 2009 中譯:「電腦產業移動的腳步很快,但是宏碁前進的速度似乎更快...,宏碁在小筆電領域節節領先,...因此市場佔有率也大為提升...」 International Data Corp .國際數據公司 "Combined Acer/Gateway growth continued to be the fastest among the top vendors and is a very solid performance for the first quarter of merged operations. Acer also clearly established itself as the third largest vendor…and seems to be handling the Gateway integration quickly..." -...