
目前顯示的是 9月, 2012的文章

uiwebview exc_bad_access

iOS UIWebView crash in “WebThread” if loading Office documents (docx, xls), looks like issue in iOS5 wait for apple solve in iOS6 but if want to learn how to debug bad address please read this How to debug EXC_BAD_ACCESS Other related discuss UIWebView crashing only on second load EXC_BAD_ACCESS in UIWebView

iOS Objective-C Block 初心者

官方文件 Getting Started with Blocks Using Blocks 探討Objective-C Block (part 1) - block的使用 探討Objective-C Block (part 2) - block變數 探討Objective-C Block (part 3) - block的記憶體管理 iOS blocks - 三個會造成retain cycle的anti patterns

2012 科技業的合縱連橫

之前提到 看看大小M再看HTC與Acer !  主要是想把HTC Acer合起來,互補產品線。常有人提到把Acer ASUS合起來,方向應該是是減少重功, 光看Acer ASUS彼此的價格戰 就覺得做PC 很辛苦,這樣的紅海慢慢延燒到tablet 手機 .. 消費型電子還真的難做。 施振榮:雙A合併目前不可能!點名美PC大廠必會退出市場 施振榮認為,產業的發展本來就有侷限性,當產業成長力道進入成熟期時,廠商自然也會感受投資報酬率已不符原先預期,因而降低投資心力與金額,例如退出市場就是一個方式,當某些廠商退出後,其他廠商的營運報酬率自然會回升,產業競爭又會回到一個較為正常的循環。不過,施振榮也認為,就長期產業發展而言,再過30年,也許雙 A 還是有合併的可能性。 施振榮:PC整併,美品牌先退 在PC產業中,一線大廠各據山頭,加上筆電進入成熟期,不難預見品牌廠將陷入廝殺戰,因此先前外國媒體就點名華碩跟宏碁可合併,加上聯想全球併購動作連連,昨日再出手,以1.47億美元收購巴西消費性電子廠商CCE,因此讓市場關注PC產業恐將再現一波整併潮。 對此,施振榮認為,垂直分工/水平整合是產業大趨勢,就像前幾年宏碁收購Packard Bell、Gateway,但目前宏碁優先要務是「轉型」,創造新價值,不是「併購」。 歡迎加入Acer  Facebook粉絲團 以及Acer  Youtube官方頻道 。 其他Acer產品文: 先別管NB了,你有聽過Acer平板電腦嗎? 先別管HTC了 你有聽過Acer 手機嗎? 從Acer Socialjogger 談系統廠的軟體 business model   Acer的研發能量? 來看看 Acer extend 吧 Acer 轉型除了行銷手法與第三方支付 還需要提升服務的概念

iOS exception - Collection was mutated while being enumerated

iOS exception - Collection was mutated while being enumerated some related discuss issue sample1 Before you loop over the array, you can create a new array with the elements. So when the original looped array is mutated (either by you, or by its owner) the array you loop over stays intact. issue sample2 The error occurs because you are adding new objects to termsArray within the for loop Create a new empty array (e.g.newTermsArray) In the first loop create and add these new items to newTermsArray Then you will need a second loop to add the items from newTermsArray back into the original termsArray other solution  @synchronized ( yourobject )     {     //do something with your object     } and for how to analyze Call Stack Symbols, you need to know iOS crash report  

iOS URL decode 及 encode

在開發過android 現在改開發iOS,在文件上,真的iOS做得比android好很多。像是  About iOS App Programming 。 而關於iOS URL decode 及 encode的討論。其中什么是url encode参见 http://www.stringfunction.com/url-decode.html 官方文件 NSURL Class Reference NSString Class Reference Understanding characters A string object presents itself as an array of Unicode characters (Unicode is a registered trademark of Unicode, Inc.). You can determine how many characters a string object contains with the  length  method and can retrieve a specific character with the  characterAtIndex:  method. These two “primitive” methods provide basic access to a string object. Most use of strings, however, is at a higher level, with the strings being treated as single entities: You compare strings against one another, search them for substrings, combine them into new strings, and so on. If you need to access string objects character by character, you must understand the Unicode character encoding, specifically issues related to composed charac...




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