【總統蔡英文出席「鄭南榕殉道35週年追思紀念會」】 鄭南榕基金會在金寶山自由之翼紀念墓園舉辦「鄭南榕殉道35週年追思紀念會」,總統蔡英文、監察院長陳菊、行政院長陳建仁、總統府秘書長林佳龍、鄭南榕基金會董事長鄭竹梅、鄭南榕遺孀葉菊蘭等人出席。 蔡總統致詞指出,今天是鄭南榕殉道35週年,也是國定的言論自由日,這個日子提醒著大家,台灣的民主自由並非憑空而來,而是許多前輩的血淚拚搏,才有今天的民主台灣;當年鄭南榕的勇氣與犧牲,啟發了台灣人民積極爭取民主開放的社會,走過艱辛的民主化道路後,言論自由成了台灣重要的民主燈塔,台灣更成為亞洲民主自由最重要的地方。 President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said that the "values of democracy and freedom are inherent in Taiwanese," as she paid tribute to Nylon Cheng (鄭南榕), a freedom advocate and martyr who self-immolated 35 years ago. April 7 not only marks the 35th anniversary of Cheng's martyrdom, but is also Freedom of Speech Day in Taiwan, a national memorial day that was first observed in 2017, Tsai said in a speech at a memorial service for Cheng in New Taipei. 資料來源: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/202404070063.aspx https://focustaiwan.tw/politics/202404070019