
目前顯示的是 11月, 2017的文章

AI 筆記 NVDIA AMD 以及 ? Intel ?

 AI 筆記 NVDIA AMD 以及 ? Intel ? 整理一些收集來的筆記: CUDA and OpenCL are the two main ways for programming GPUs. CUDA is by far the most developed, has the most extensive ecosystem, and is the most robustly supported by deep learning libraries. CUDA is a proprietary language created by Nvidia, so it can’t be used by GPUs from other companies. When fast.ai recommends Nvidia GPUs, it is not out of any special affinity or loyalty to Nvidia on our part, but that this is by far the best option for deep learning. Nvidia dominates the market for GPUs, with the next closest competitor being the company AMD . This summer, AMD announced the release of a platform called ROCm to provide more support for deep learning. The status of ROCm for major deep learning libraries such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, MxNet, and CNTK is still under development.  總之Nvidia 系列就要研究CUDA 而如果是其他就要靠OpenCL OpenCL (Open Computing Language,开放计算语言) 是一個為異構平台編寫程式的框架,此異構平台可由CPU、GPU、DSP、FPGA或其他類型的處理器與硬體加速器所組成。OpenCL由一門用...


步驟一-下載Source code上傳至NAS: (1)從MCS-lite github上面下載source code: https://github.com/MCS-Lite/mcs-lite-app/releases (2)上傳檔案至NAS上(可自訂目錄,這裡以Web資料夾為範例) (3)解壓縮 步驟二: (1)開啟 Container Station(如果沒有請至AppCenter安裝) (2)建立node.js build container (3)將共用資料夾新增我們剛剛上傳MCS-lite到NAS上共用資料夾的路徑 EX:/web (4)建立完成後選擇我們剛剛建立的Contauner,點選終端機,輸入bash後按確認 (5)執行指令: cd /web/mcs-lite-app-1.0.4                                                                                                            ...


在自動控制領域, PLC技術和PC-based技術是當前比較具有代表性的控制技術, 兩者的技術起源和發展有較大的差異。 PLC(Programmable Logic Controller)產生於上世紀70年代初。 最早的PLC是以替換繼電器系統的角色出現, 其主要實現的功能僅僅是邏輯簡單的順序控制功能。 PLC一經出現, 就以其高可靠性、小體積和直觀的程式設計模式而顯示出強大的生命力, 成為自動控制領域的“明星”。  PC-based是一種基於PC技術的控制系統。 最早的PC-based控制系統是以工控機為核心, 通過擴展帶PCI介面的專用板卡組成。 PC-based借助於IT技術的發展,在運算、存儲、 組網和軟體開放性方面具有優勢。 PLC和PC-based兩者在技術特點上存在明顯區別。 PLC具有體積小、功耗低、抗幹擾能力強; 具有很高的可靠性,其平均無故障率時間間隔(MTBF)可達50萬、 甚至100萬個小時;具有簡單直觀的程式設計模式(如梯形圖); 具有內部即時時鐘。 而PC-based具有大運算能力; 具有開放標準的系統平臺和PCI介面;精美且低成本的顯示技術; 豐富的組網能力。 但系統的可靠性略差, 如性能較好的IPC的平均無故障時間間隔約5萬小時。 此外,PC-based雖然具有很強的CPU, 但其多工作業系統是非即時的, 所以程式的迴圈週期反而沒有高性能的PLC快。 PLC更適合於設備控制,而PC-based更多地用於設備運行狀態的監視。 相對於PC-based而言,PLC具有配置靈活、體積小、適應惡劣環境、 抗幹擾性強、可靠性高等優點 ,但在軟體功能及系統開放性等方面比PC-based稍差。 當然,隨著電腦技術和控制技術的不斷發展, PLC和PC-based都在吸收對方的優點,以適應更多的應用現場。 例如,PLC在包裝設備中的應用遠遠多於PC-based在包裝設備中的應用。 隨著PC-BASED的工業電腦 (簡稱工業PC,與普通的電腦相比,它具有防塵、防振、抗電磁、耐高低溫等優點) 的發展,以工業PC、I/O及監控裝置、 控制網路組成的PC-BASED的自動化系統逐漸成為工業自動化的另一種實現方式。 PC-BASED自動化系統源於PC, 可完全融入到網路時代的資訊系統中, 具有高性能、低價格、系統開放、豐富的人才和應用基礎等優勢。

QNAP NAS 安裝openHAB 來實現智慧家庭

本文將介紹如何在QNAP NAS 安裝openHAB 這一個開源軟體來控制各種物聯網裝置 (測試環境 QTS 版本: 4.3.3 0154 測試NAS:TS-251A) openHAB官方網站:  http://www.openhab.org/ 以下是openHAB教學影片: 介紹: 而在QNAP NAS上該要怎麼設定?以下分三步驟 Step1: QNAP NAS & Z-Wave USB dongle 插入Z-Wave的USB之後 用ssh連到NAS 輸入以下指令 "insmod /usr/local/modules/cdc-acm.ko ” "chmod 777 /dev/ttyACM * " Step2: Install openHAB 兩種方法: 用Container Station UI建立或是連SSH進NAS輸入指令建立 (方法1  用Container Station UI建立 ) (方法2  連SSH進NAS輸入指令建立 ) SSH輸入 docker run \         --name  openhab -zwave2 \ -p 18080:8080 \ -p 8443:8443 \ -p 5555:5555 \ --privileged \ openhab / openhab :2.1.0- snapshot-amd64 Step3: Setup openHAB 如果/dev/ttyACM0無法連線的話, SSH連進NAS輸入 ls -al /dev/ttyACM*看看是哪個port 點選藍色圈圈可以加入功能到Control 面板中 注意事項: 1. 每次重新開機都要打Step1那兩行 "insmod /usr/local/modules/cdc-acm.ko ” "chmod 777 /dev/ttyACM * " 2.  /dev/ttyACM0可能會跑掉 需輸入 ls -al /dev/ttyACM*看看在哪一個port 在設定中更換 完整圖文教學請看QNAP QIoT Blog:   如何在 CONTAINER STATION 安裝 OPENHAB 以及跟 Z-WAVE 裝置連接 更多應用分享: 使用家用閘道器...

Chinese Culture University Safeguards Campus Environment with QNAP VioStor NVR & CMS

Chinese Culture University Safeguards Campus Environment with QNAP VioStor NVR & CMS Company/Institute: Chinese Culture University Location: Taipei, Taiwan Official Website: http://www.pccu.edu.tw/intl/index-e.htm Background Founded in 1962, the Chinese Culture University (CCU) is one of the largest universities in Taiwan with an enrollment of about 32,000 students. It has an educational vision to grow and promote Chinese culture, particularly tradition Chinese arts and physical education. CCU is now organized into twelve academic colleges including Liberal Arts, Foreign Language and Literature, Journalism and Communications, Arts, Environmental Design, and more. Challenge In order to manage a 115-hectare wide campus and to provide a safe educational environment for its students, CCU had installed around 650 cameras throughout the campus to keep a close eye on buildings, the sports stadium, and open spaces. Originally CCU used a PC-based recording software solution but Mr. Chen...

SG Group (Société Générale) Benefits from QNAP Security’s NVR Solution with Storage Expansion Flexibility

SG Group (Société Générale) Benefits from QNAP Security’s NVR Solution with Storage Expansion Flexibility Background Bank Republic , one of the Georgia's oldest privately owned banks, was founded in 1991 and is a leading commercial bank in Georgia. The Bank serves its clients through 37 branches and service centers. Société Générale is a French multinational banking and financial services company. In 2006, the Société Générale Group took over the controlling interests of the Bank Republic in Georgia, with the Bank Republic becoming a member of the international group Société Générale. Challenge Every day, the Bank Republic is busy serving many customers in their branches. To ensure quality service from cashiers and to protect customers and staff, Bank Republic adopted an entry-level surveillance system to monitor the branch area. However, with the growing demand for high-quality video recordings and video archiving for at least 180 days, the existing system gradually failed to sati...

Recovery Ranch Relies on QNAP Security Surveillance Solution to Safeguard its Residents Community

Recovery Ranch Relies on QNAP Security Surveillance Solution to Safeguard its Residents Community Background Recovery Ranch , located in Nashville, Tennessee in the USA, is a special rehabilitation center for clients with addictive disorders, eating or mood disorders, or in need of psychosomatic recovery for an improved quality of life. Recovery Ranch employs 160 therapists and administrative personnel, serving over 75 clients at a time, with 24/7 care for different treatments, hence it is a large facility with residents of diverse backgrounds. Challenge Recovery Ranch campus includes two sites: the main campus with 2 buildings and the new campus with 6 buildings, individually located one mile apart. On land stretching over 2,000 acres and multiple campuses, it is necessary to have a powerful surveillance system to secure the community and archive records of any incidents that occur. The two original buildings, dated back to late 1800s, were not designed with network wiring. Also, they...

The Harmony Public School Continues to Choose QNAP VioStor NVR for its Expanding Surveillance Deployment

The Harmony Public School Continues to Choose QNAP VioStor NVR for its Expanding Surveillance Deployment Background Harmony Public School, a Texas-based non-profit organization, was established by a group of dedicated educators and university academicians. The school is high performing K-12 college preparatory charter school that focuses on math, science, engineering and computer technologies. Challenges The school is a place where children can happily spend time learning and playing, as well as parents can be relieved to entrust their children. The safety of students is school’s responsibility, thus a well-deployed surveillance system is quite necessary. In order to monitor the multi-thousand square foot in a real-time basis, the Harmony Public School adopted QNAP® VioStor NVR surveillance system, the VS-8032U-RP, which can manage up to 32 channels of high definition IP cameras for total situation awareness. Later, the school was looking to expand its existing surveillance system and ...




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