QIoT Suite Lite 1.2.066 發佈了 Dashboard支援 Google Maps

QIoT Suite Lite 1.2.066
( 2019/01/18 )
[New features]
1. Added support for the Google Maps API key 
QIoT Suite Lite 1.1.372
( 2018/10/11 )
[ New Features ]
1. Added support for QTS 4.3.5
2. QIoT Suite Lite notifications are now provided by Notification Center 
3. Added support for NodeRED v0.18  
[ Enhancement ]
1. Improved stability of QIoT operations.
[Fixed Upgrade Issues]
1. After upgrading from v1.1.1 to v1.1.2 some widgets would disappear and the IoT applications would not function correctly.
2. The QTS administrator/QIoT user could not log into QIoT Suite Lite.
3. Automatically-detected languages would not be displayed.
QIoT Suite Lite 1.1.299
( 2018/08/28 )
[ New features ]
- Support for ARM models (Witout 64 bit)
[ Improvement ]
- Various bug fixes  

QIoT Suite Lite 1.1.298
( 2018/08/09 )
[ New features ]
1. Support port setting
2. Support download logs 
3. Reduce CPU usage
[ Improvement ]
1. Improved usability of dashboard 
2. Various bug fixes 
QIoT Suite Lite 1.1.147
( 2018/06/13 )
Support TS-x32 models
QIoT Suite Lite 1.1.164
( 2018/04/09 )
Support TS-328 models
QIoT Suite Lite 1.1.111
( 2018/03/02 )
- Reduced CPU loading
QIoT Suite Lite 1.1.045
( 2018/01/16 )
[New Features]
- Support multiple languages
- Support historic data access API
- Support mass deployment
- Enhanced the stability of QIoT services
- Allow user to search thing information using multiple tags
QIoT Suite Lite 1.1.031
( 2018/01/05 )
[New Features]
- Support multiple languages
- Support historic data access API
- Support Mess Deployment
- Enhanced the stability of QIoT services
- Allow user to search thing information using multiple tags
QIoT Suite Lite 1.0.69
( 2017/11/01 )
[New Features]
- Support new models, including x31X, x31P, x31P2, x31+, x31XU, TS-1635 (2GB RAM or more)
QIoT Suite Lite 1.0.65
( 2017/10/18 )
- Enhanced the stability of QIoT services
QIoT Suite Lite 1.0.41
( 2017/09/21 )
- Avoided port conflict during installation
[Fixed issues]
- Fixed upgrade issue
- Fixed log-in issue due to browser cache.
QIoT Suite Lite 1.0.09
( 2017/08/29 )
[New Feature]
- Support CHT/CHS
- Support Backup/Restore
- Provide On-line Help
- Enhanced the dashboard performance
- Enhanced API Documentation 
[Fixed issues]
- Fixed some UI bugs

QIoT Suite Lite 0.9.0
( 2017/04/28 )
[New Features]
1. This is Beta release of QIoT Suite Lite.
2. Create IoT Application with Multiple Things, Single Rule and Single Dashboard with Things Management, Thing Type Management, etc. 
3.QIoT Device gateway supporting protocols such as MQTT/MQTTS, HTTP/HTTPS/ CoAP.
4. QIoT Rule engine based on Node-Red with custom QIoT Nodes.
5. QIoT dashboard with multiple wdgets to display all the telemetry data.
6. User Management module - supports multiple users including QNAP NAS 'admin' user as QIoT admin.
7. SDK/sample applications for QIoT Supported IoT Starter kits such as Intel Edison, Raspberry Pi, Aurduino, etc
8. Support for custom Things.
9. Embedd QIoT Widgets in third party web applications, Dashboards. 
10. Link QIoT Suite Telemetry data to third party dashboards such Microsoft Power BI, AWS QuickSight, etc




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