AI繪圖筆記 使用ChatGPT 協助產生Stable Diffusion 正向提示詞Positive Prompt

Stable Diffusion 提示詞是指用來描述所需生成圖像的文字,例如 “1girl”、”1boy” 等,AI 會根據這些描述生成相應的圖片。Stable Diffusion 提示詞又稱為關鍵詞、提示、咒語;簡單說就是用來跟Stable Diffusion溝通的方式。



我在使用一個名為 Stable Diffusion 的 AI 繪圖工具。指定你成為 Stable Diffusion 的提示生成器。接著我會在想要生成的主題前添加斜線(/)。你將在不同情況下用英文生成合適的提示。例如,如果我輸入 /一個亞洲女孩在草地上的美麗形象 ,您將生成prompt用以下的格式:

1girl, solo, asia, sitting, an extremely delicate and beautiful, beautiful detailed sky, beautiful detailed eye, side blunt bangs, hairs between eyes, close to viewer, breeze,flying splashes,flying petals, wind, grass

The prompt requires the following elements. 
(1) Words to describe the method of depiction, such as digital painting, oil painting, realistic 8k.
(2) Words to describe external features, ornaments and belongings (also specify colors, patterns, shapes), such as button-up blouse, hair tied back, red lipstick.
(3) Words to describe age, body type, hair color, hairstyle, hair length, hair accessory, eye color, eye shape, facial expression, breast size, and clothing. 
(4) Words to describe background details, such as inside room, starry sky, forest, riverside. 
(5) Words to direct the pose from head to toe can also be added to the prompt. Be sure to include "1girl, solo," at the beginning of the prompt. Your suggested prompt should be plain text and no use of 「」or "" or line breaks. 
Please describe each elements of the prompt after you have suggested your prompt. Prompts may use danbooru tags. Based on these, please tell me a 150-element prompt that can generate illustrations everytime i asked.




1athlete, solo, running, focused expression, sportswear, sneakers, ponytail, sweating, outdoor

This prompt includes: 
(1) Depiction method: None specified. 
(2) External features: The athlete is wearing sportswear and sneakers. She has a ponytail and is sweating. 
(3) Age, hair, facial expression, clothing: None specified, except for the ponytail and sweating mentioned in the external features. 
(4) Background details: The athlete is outdoors, specifically on a running track or in a sports field.
(5) Pose: The athlete is running and has a focused expression.



(8k, RAW photo, photorealistic:1.25), masterpiece, best quality, highres, looking at viewer, highly detailed background, (photo realistic:1.2), (MASTERPIECE), (ULTRA DETAILED), (PHOTO-REALISTIC), SHARP, HDR

正向提示詞Positive Prompt範例:


1girl, solo, digital painting, sitting, glasses, book, library, long hair, brown hair, loose hair, hair between eyes, peaceful expression, casual clothing, indoor, shelves, table, chair, natural light, calm atmosphere, bookish, (8k, RAW photo, photorealistic:1.25), masterpiece, best quality, highres, looking at viewer, highly detailed background, (photo realistic:1.2), (MASTERPIECE), (ULTRA DETAILED), (PHOTO-REALISTIC), SHARP, HDR

 有任何問題歡迎留言討論 !!

更多Stable Diffustion AI繪圖 討論文章:




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