QNAP NAS become IoT center and NVR

QNAP Systems, Inc., as its brand promise "Quality Network Appliance Provider", aims to deliver comprehensive offerings of cutting edge network attached storage (NAS) and network video recorder (NVR) solutions featured with ease-of-use, robust operation, large storage capacity, and trustworthy reliability. 

QNAP integrates technologies and designs to bring forth quality products that effectively improve business efficiency on file sharing, virtualization applications, storage management and surveillance in the business environments.
For IoT business, we start from the surveillance solution in campus, QNAP and Intel build Smart campus solution for PCCU (Private Chinese Culture University,PCCU), combine NVR surveillance solution with smart building gateway which connect to ~4000 sensors (include temperature, humidity, air quality sensor ... etc ),  provide real time information to the control center. This solutions shorten the response time for emergency situation and also increase the efficiency of human resource. 

(related information - Chinese content: http://www.asmag.com.tw/article/article_detail.aspx?aid=10167)

This is our exist project. 

As a leading storage solution provider, our strategy toward the IoT business is "find the key data".

Current project:

NVR customer (Smart Home/Smart Retail) - we work with intelligent video analytics ISV to build video-based action recognition solutions for customer.

Smart Hospital (Long-term care) - we work with medical sensor provider and in-door positioning solution to connect the traditional Instruments with IoT gateway (IEI) and QNAP NAS. This is the value-add for our exist hospital customer, they already have the private data storage need, and we provide more "smart" way to solve their need/problem: Where is the Instruments ? Is it occupied ? Whats the patient's status ? By solving these problem, more data consuming and more data storage need.

Factory Automation (Private Cloud) - the industrial machine need high precision, and it has several sensor to monitor and may need to sample 20 times in 1 min. The factory manager can't wait for data send to the public cloud analyze and then feedback to the field. So that the need is private cloud with analytics solution, we are working with ISV to fulfill it. 





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