LG is quitting the smartphone business | CNN International
詳細報導請見: news.tvbs.com.tw/focus/1489039
LG全面退出手機市場 4大受惠者出列
Gartner分析師Tuong Nguyen表示,蘋果向來主攻美國高階市場,因此可能只會承接一小部分的LG市占。三星比較可能繼承LG大部分的美國市占,因為兩家公司鎖定的市場類似。
Counterpoint分析師Tarun Pathak表示,由於其旗艦機的市場反應冷淡,LG電子主要還是鎖定中階市場,因此該公司的退出,大部分還是中國與中階品牌受益較多。
分析師表示,在美國等LG電子的關鍵市場,主要受益者為三星、摩托羅拉(Motorola )與HMD,在拉丁美洲以小米與摩托羅拉受惠較多,而在南韓的最大受惠者則是三星電子。
SEOUL, April 5, 2021 — LG Electronics Inc. (LG) announced that it is closing its mobile business unit. The decision was approved by its board of directors earlier today.
LG’s strategic decision to exit the incredibly competitive mobile phone sector will enable the company to focus resources in growth areas such as electric vehicle components, connected devices, smart homes, robotics, artificial intelligence and business-to-business solutions, as well as platforms and services.
LG will provide service support and software updates for customers of existing mobile products for a period of time which will vary by region. LG will work collaboratively with suppliers and business partners throughout the closure of the mobile phone business. Details related to employment will be determined at the local level.
Moving forward, LG will continue to leverage its mobile expertise and develop mobility-related technologies such as 6G to help further strengthen competitiveness in other business areas. Core technologies developed during the two decades of LG’s mobile business operations will also be retained and applied to existing and future products.
The wind down of the mobile phone business is expected to be completed by July 31 although inventory of some existing models may still be available after that.